Our body weight is carried first on the heel and then on the ball of the foot, where the skin is thicker to withstand the pressure. When this pressure becomes excessive, some areas of the skin thicken as a protective response, and results in the formation of corns and callus.

Calluses may result from underlying problems, such as changes to the structure of the foot, the way we walk, our choice of footwear, our skin type and the natural process of aging such as the loss of fatty padding on the ball of the foot.

What we can do to treat callus.

•    Treat the condition and reduce pain and discomfort by removal of the hard skin 
•    Redistribution of your foot pressures with soft padding. 
•    Prescribe orthotics (shoe inserts), in the case of biomechanical problems or bony deformities, as appropriate.
•    We will be able to provide you with advice on the most appropriate skin preparations for your needs.
•    Offer footwear advice if this is contributing to the condition.
•    Provide regular chiropody treatments where the condition is recurring, to maintain your comfort and mobility.

Corns and calluses are usually quite harmless, but if you have diabetes the sensation in your feet weakens and deep ulcers can develop under the blisters.  You should always seek advice from your GP, diabetic nurse specialist or podiatrist/chiropodist, concerning any lesions on your feet.

We Recommend

  • Use a moisturising cream daily, avoiding the spaces in between your toes. 
  • Reduce hard skin by gently rubbing with a pumice stone while you bathe, when the skin has been softened.

If this does not appear to be working or if the callus is painful, we can advise why this has occurred and where possible how to prevent it occurring again.