Foot Mobilisation Therapy

Foot mobilisation is a gentle painless technique that stimulates the body's inherent desire to repair and restore it's self. The background stems from Ancient Egypt and forms the basis for all manual therapies used by physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths today.

  • Foot mobilisation aims to get rid of the root of the pain rather than just covering it up. It is a long-term solution to foot pain – not a quick fix
  • Our specialised therapy does not require orthotics, medication or surgery
  • We work with you so your body can heal itself – without artificial shoe inserts. Foot mobilisation is an effective alternative to orthotic therapy. Without orthotics our clients enjoy greater freedom in shoe choices – women especially can choose fashion footwear because they don’t have to accommodate artificial supports like in-soles.
  • Our care journey goes beyond the treatment at the Centre – we give you tips and exercises to help you keep your feet healthy and prevent the pain from coming back. We are with you every step of the way.
How it works

Hands on healing through joint mobillisation & corrective exercises stimulates your bodies natural repair systems. Each visit will promote the following restoration processes.

  • Improve mobility by breaking up adhesions and restrictions around the joints.
  • Improve postural stability by stimulating the body’s proprioceptive (balancing) system.
  • Improve muscle strength by invigorating the efferent nerve messages from the brain to the relevant muscles.
  • Reduce the ‘pain messages’ sent to the brain by stimulating the joint mechanoceptors which suppress the Type IV nociceptor impulses to the brain.

While the treatment only takes a few minutes, the listed effects last for 48-72 hours. Repeated consistently, the effects will continue to last longer and longer.

When a joint is stuck or displaced loss of mobility is common. All situations that lead to immobilisation can cause some degree of degenerative change in the musculoskeletal system. Connective tissues unique ability to adapt to the shortest distance between its origin and insertion produces harmful effects during immobilisation. Connective tissues will always adapts to the shortest functional length.

True healing is replacing the old damaged cells with new ones. The body's soft tissues replace themselves on a 42 day (6 week) cycle. As the damaged tissues are replaced with new ones the foot should start to feel better. This typically happens within a couple of weeks. For this reason, an in initial 3 week programme of treatment is recommended, after which your progress is assessed and the next plan of action determined. In an immobile joint, cross fibre linkages form and restrict the joints range of motion even further. Mobilisation breaks down these cross linkages and promotes an inflammatory healing repose which typically last 72 hours. For this reason it is best to mobilise the feet twice weekly.

During periods of immobility the muscles around the joints become weaker. Once the feet are mobile these weakened muscles are ill prepared to support the structure. In this state the foot is highly adaptable and susceptible excessive motions which can be damaging to you whole posture. This is why your exercise routine is so important.